Why our natural/organic biodegradable rose petal confetti is better!

Biodegradable confetti can be a range of products from paper / Glutenous rice paper or Natural products such as our rose petals. 
Our biodegradable rose petals are grown on site at our farm in central Victoria. Natural Rose Petal confetti free from chemicals/ dyes and fragrances.. dried over a 10 day period which produces natural biodegradable petals that maintain their shape and color while having a long shelf life so no worrying about wilting in the heat or staining and best of all no refridgeration is required. 
Our Biodegradale rose petals can be left outdoors without the risk of harming wildlife or venue gardens and unlike paper and glutenous rice paper our petals will not turn to mush if used outdoors.


Quantity -

Aisle scatter (minimum) - 40cups for a centre scatter or 80cups to line both sides

For a confetti toss we recommend around 1 cup of petals per guest. Our petals can be offered in cones, bags or passed around from a basket for guests to take a handful. This is a perfect amount to create an immediate shower of petals as the newly weds walk down the aisle.

Our throwing cones each hold around a cup and is an easy way to launch petals into the air to create a showering of confetti for a great photo!

 Our throwing cones are made with smooth white card and unlike bamboo and other plant based cones our throwing cones hold enough petals to make an immediate impact of confetti and won't crack or split.

Hi Donna. Thanks so much for the lovely rose petals. We ended up getting married on 10/12/21 instead of Jan 2022. The petals arrived in time and were beautiful. Just thought I would share some pictures if you wish to use them for your Etsy page? (All rights to photographer Matthew Gillam Photography)… you have such a great product, but when I came across your page, the photos of the petals weren’t too great, and it was hard to see the amazing potential your petals have!!!
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